Latrobe Regional Hospital

Current address, telephone number, work hours, people's testimonies Latrobe Regional Hospital. This company belongs to the following categories: establishment and hospital. You can find Latrobe Regional Hospital at 10 Village Avenue, Traralgon, Victoria 3844.


Postal address:
10 Village Avenue, Traralgon, Victoria 3844
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Phone number:
+61 3 5173 8000

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Reviews about Latrobe Regional Hospital

  • Happy Homes
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    I can't begin to describe how utterly disgusting and appallingly some/ many of the staff at this place are that so called "treated" (like an animal) my family member.
    I am reluctant to say too much about specific details as they will likely sick their legal team onto me again, which is what they do to try to shut people up from speaking the TRUTH about what goes on Behind the closed doors of their "secure" unit. It is horrific.
    Some things I can legally say because I have firm proof such as: The "so called Head psyche" openly admitted he incorrectly drugged my family member and didn't even do a review of his condition before doing so!!!
    (& an independent blood test that they later blocked, showed, was deemed an "almost lethal amount. Toxic levels".
    yet no one there gave a damn, neither did the "system" that is supposedly here to protect the innocent. not even health commission or court or advocates, or doctors, or OPA, or lawyers....
    As there was no benefit or money to be made for them to step in & "ruffle feathers". No one would, nor still will, step in to stop the chemical & physical abuse that is rife in places like these.

    As a result family members mental & physical health declined rapidly.
    I * believe (according to family member) they even forced him to endure the horrific act of electric shock treatment. Q: Do any of you know what this barbaric act does to people? It fries their brain! (In layman terms) and has no proven benefits!! It's all hocus pocus. It's a barbaric act dating back to the days of hitler subjecting the poor and "unworthy" for the "pleasure" of the so-called "superiors". And Just so they can practise their techniques on these people. Horrific. Horrific. Horrific.
    I'd like to see a "sane" person willingly subject Themselves.
    Family member was also used as a drug mule/ pin cushion & pumped full of drugs he couldn't bear or handle, then because of this, they locked him away like an animal for very long periods / segregated for no reason!!! He Didn't do a damn thing except be gullible enough to allow these sadistical, uncaring, so and so's to manipulate him. Then he became non-sensicle bcos of the mind altering drugs they pumped into him, what do you think he would do??!!!
    They had him on wrong drugs, & even admitted it, yet wouldn't take him off them!! Why?? I suspect due to the money they were making from his medical "treatments" and using him for their trainees to practise on.
    The s... at this place ruined my family. We will never recover from the trauma of what this place has done to us all and beyond, either directly or indirectly.. I now pray that every single guilty staff member there that participates in the ugly practices going on in there also has to be treated so badly one day, or someone they love, just as karma.
    I could go on for hours about the utterly disgusting, unprofessional staff with their stinking "I'm better than you/ in fact I think I'm god" attitudes at this place . Particularly in the "Flynn ward" where no one in the outside world is privy to their sick depraved acts onto poor innocent people, such as I've made references to, such as drugging them until they can't walk, talk, eat, write or think.
    Even leaving them to urinate & deficate & vomit on themselves then be left to "stew in their mess" in the same clothes for days on end. (Yes! It happened! And to top it off, they were annoyed at ME for insisting they clean him up!)
    Family member also reported serious acts of aggression & neglect that I would love to report here, but can't.
    And yes, I have proof of all of my claims, so it's no joke, and not false, and I'm not a troll, or some other bozo doing this for "fun". This is serious. And I'm doing this to warn others.
    And in fact I look forward to putting it all together into a documentary in the future to warn others about it.

    as the famous saying goes "the pen is mightier than the sword".

    So Do NOT delude yourselves into thinking they will give a damn about you at this place. You are just a meal ticket to them. And so help you if you complain....
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